10 Self-Care Ideas That Are Free!

In these days when life is crazier than it’s ever been, and we’re all busy with work, kids, and other obligations that that leave us little time for ourselves, it’s never been more important to make time for self care. It’s important to understand that self care is not selfish- at all! In order to do your best giving to others it’s necessary to take a little time each day to focus on yourself, doing something that relaxes you and makes you happy. Oh, sure, a week at a spa would be just great, but that’s expensive! Don’t despair, though, there are plenty of ways you can practice self care and still stick to your budget. Here are 10 ideas to try:

  1. Go for a walk: There’s everything good about a walk; it’s exercise, you’ll get fresh air, and you’ll clear your mind. Use the time to think about nothing, listen to your favorite music, or even a podcast that stimulates your mind and keeps you entertained.
  2. Yoga: Yoga is relaxing and good for your body. And you don’t have to splurge on an expensive class or a trainer, either; find a video on YouTube and just start.
  3. Keep a gratitude journal: Sometimes in the busy rush of the everyday we lose sight of the blessings in our lives. Writing down what you’re grateful for allows you to pause and recognize the positive, which is guaranteed to make you feel good.
  4. Get enough sleep: Are you also one of those people who puts sleep on the bottom of your list of needs? I do it, too, and I’ve got to stop! Making sure you get enough sleep is one of the most important things you can do to care for yourself because it will keep your body and your mind functioning at their best.
  5. Read a book: Reading is a great option because it gives you a mini escape from the everyday, and you can always borrow books from the library or a friend for free.
  6. Connect with a friend: Human connection is essential to wellness. Meet a friend for a walk or a cup of coffee. If you can’t actually get together, talk on the phone or Skype.
  7. Meditate: Meditating is relaxing and grounding. Even when you don’t have a lot of time, you can take 10 minutes to just focus on your breathing, and be amazed at how great you feel afterwards.
  8. Drink enough water: This is so simple, but many of us just don’t do it. Keeping your body well hydrated is important for your skin, your body, your brain, and your mood. It’s also good for controlling your weight, since so often we confuse thirst with hunger.
  9. Humor: Watch a funny movie or TV show and make sure you laugh! Laughing has all kinds of benefits, and a funny movie is nice break. Don’t have time for a full movie? Look for something funny on YouTube.
  10. Nap: I know I already said to get enough sleep, but I’m talking about a nap here. Escape for an hour to recharge your batteries- just because you want to!

Does any of this sound good to you? Self care means different things to different people, so make sure to find things that work for you. Anything is fine, as long as you make the time to take care of you!