We smile when we’re happy, of course, but there are some really good reasons to smile just like that. Here’s why you should smile more often:
1. Smiling makes you more attractive:
When you smile, it draws people in.
2. Smiling relieves stress and anxiety:
It’s true! When you smile you lower levels of stress hormones in your body.
3. Smiling makes others happy:
Smiles are contagious! How many times do you find yourself smiling back at someone who smiles at you?
4. Smiling lowers blood pressure:
It’s good for your physical health, too.
5. Smiling boosts your immune system:
Maybe you can smile your way through flu season?
6. Smiling makes you more positive:
Not only does feeling happy make you feel like smiling, but smiling actually makes you feel happy by boosting happy hormone levels.
7. Smiling makes you more successful:
Smiling increases motivation and creativity.
8. Smiling reduces pain:
It actually works on your brain so you feel pain less intensely.
9. Smiling makes you live longer:
Studies show that smiling can add up to seven years to your life.