Foods That Help You Lose Weight

The diet struggle is all too real! Why is it so hard to lose weight? Oh, I know the answer: it’s all about eating right and getting enough exercise, and both require hard work. It would be nice for it all to come a little easier, wouldn’t it? Well, here’s a little secret: there are certain foods that can actually help you lose weight! Yes, you’ll still have to put in the work, but a boost is always welcome. Here are some foods that help you lose weight:

  • Popcorn. I’m not kidding! Of course I’m not talking about butter laden movie popcorn, but 4 cups of low-fat, or air-popped popcorn will give you 3 grams each of fiber and protein. And fill you up- all for only 150 calories.
  • Lemon. Use lemon in your cooking to add flavor without fat and salt. And feel good about that because chemicals in lemons can aid digestion and help you fight cravings.
  • Almonds. Almonds are a healthy snack that make you feel satisfied so you’ll eat less at meals. One ounce (about 22 nuts) has just 160 calories and is a great source of healthy fat, fiber, and protein.
  • Lean meat. Because it’s high in protein it will help you feel satisfied. Meat is also a good source of iron, but the fat in lean meat is still saturated fat, so limit meat meals to once a week.
  • Quinoa. Quinoa is a complete protein and it has lots of fiber so it will fill you up and keep you satisfied.
  • Beans. High in fiber and protein, and slow to digest so you won’t feel hungry for a while.
  • Dark chocolate. Studies show that people who ate a little dark chocolate controlled their appetites better.
  • Apples. The fiber in fresh fruit makes you feel full and the act of chewing tells your brain you’re eating real food.
  • Yogurt. Lots of protein and fiber to keep you satisfied. And the probiotics in yogurt help with gut function, which can minimize bloating and inflammation. Studies show that people who eat dairy lose more weight than those who don’t.
  • Chili pepper. Spicy foods can reduce appetite and increase metabolism.
  • Cinnamon. Cinnamon regulates your blood sugar, curbs cravings, and boosts metabolism.
  • Berries. Not only are they great for satisfying a sweet craving, but the antioxidant in berries works on the gene activity of fat cells, which makes it harder to gain weight.

Pretty exciting, right! These are foods you’d want to eat, anyway, and they can help you achieve your weight loss goals! Enjoy them, and remember that you can have too much of a good thing, so continue to count calories, and watch the pounds come off.