Top 5 “Superfoods” to Add Into Your Diet

Looking to be nutritionally complete? “Superfoods” are foods that are believed to be rich with a lot of different types of crucial nutrition and vitamins for your body. There are a few types of superfoods- here are my top recommendations of superfoods you can add into your diet:

#1: Salmon- Salmon is a superfood because it boasts a generous amount of omega-3 fatty acids, which come with a whole list of benefits for your skin, eyes, and heart. It also contains protein, which helps build strength in your body to keep you strong in more ways than one.

#2: Blueberries- Antioxidant rich blueberries are amazing for your health. They help keep your body in top shape and negate the bad effects of radiation and pollution most people encounter daily. Blueberries also have high vitamin C and potassium, which helps your immune system and muscles, respectively.

#3: Kale- Kale is a superfood due to its heart and bone healthy attributes, such as a high vitamin K content, rich antioxidants, vitamin C, Vitamin A, and its ability to lower cholesterol, which reduces your chances at contracting heart disease. Do I need to say more?

#4: Sweet Potato- Sweet potatoes are actually super healthy, as they are rich in carotenoids (that give them their bright orange color) that reduce your chance at cancer. They are one of the best sources of vitamin A, which is incredible for your eyes and skin health.

#5: Lentils- Fiber-rich lentils are amazing for your gut and digestive health. Lentils have a naturally high iron content, which is good for your blood. They are also a good source of protein! In addition, lentils don’t need to be soaked to be easy on the stomach, which helps keep the nutrients well packed into each lentil, giving you maximum health benefits.